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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Assessment of quality of life rather than survival benefit

1)Burris Clinical Benefit Response
Ref. 1
Ref. 2



The EORTC QLQ-C30 is a questionnaire developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients. It is a copyrighted instrument, which has been translated and validated into 81 languages and is used in more than 3,000 studies worldwide. It is supplemented by disease specific modules e.g. Breast, Lung, Head & Neck, Oesophageal, Ovarian and Gastric Cancer, which are distributed from the Data Center. Other disease specific modules are under development but not yet validated. We have also developed a Satisfaction with Care measure (EORTC-IN-PATSAT32) and a Palliative Care questionnaire (QLQ-C15-PAL). These are also general questionnaires. Presently QLQ-C30 Version 3.0 is the most recent version and should be used for all new studies. Conditions for its use are dependent on whether it will be employed in an academic setting, in which case its distribution is free. Or if it is to be used in a study that is carried out or sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, when its use is subject to a royalty fee. A royalty fee is required per clinical study. The funds that are generated through the copyright arrangement are used exclusively to support the on-going research of the QLG on the development and refinement of quality of life instruments. For further information contact the Quality of Life Unit.

PDF ver.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

About Mammography

Diminish anxiety
The patient's experience starts the moment she walks into the facility -- not the examining room -- so your facility should offer a relaxing environment to patients. Comfortable decor and soft music can go a long way to help ease tension.
Reduce the embarrassment factor
Surprisingly, only a small minority of women are comfortable with their breasts. Most believe they're too big or too small, or have other issues with their appearance, such as inverted nipples or symmetric size. It can help women feel less self-conscious if you remove only half of the gown during each portion of the examination so they do not feel completely exposed.

Use visual aids
Another way to reduce anxiety is to place visual aids about the value of compression around your office.

Communicate with the patient
Technologists should always take some time to talk to the patient prior to the examination. Tell her what the examination will involve. Also ask her how her last exam was and whether she experienced any discomfort, including pain from compression or a chill from the plates. Invite comments from the patient during the examination. This will help her feel more in control of the exam and reduce her anxiety level.

Use manual compression instead of the foot pedal

Use scheduling to your advantage
Breast sensitivity varies from woman to woman and is sometimes hormone-dependent. Women who are still menstruating will often experience increased breast tenderness before their period.

Don't be afraid to reschedule

By Kelly Bilodeau
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
June 27, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

第15回造影剤と放射線シンポジウム 2006年6月9日

1)クリニカルPETに関する最近の話題 -PET/CT と造影剤 -
演者:横浜市立大学大学院医学研究科 放射線医学 井上登美夫(S52群馬大学医学部卒)
・PET/CT が今年の診療報酬改定で保険適応となった。ただし対象疾患は Staging で食道癌、子宮癌、卵巣癌など。
・CTを吸収補正に用いた場合CT値が高くなるとSUV も高くなる(read)。視覚的にはそんなに変わらないが。
・造影剤使っても Staging の精度は変わらなかった。PET も CT も一緒にやってそれに点数を漬ければ one stop shop として検査期間の短縮、医療経済に役に立つのでは。膵癌などで研究中。
・ Time of flight による空間分解能の向上(文献1文献2)

演者:獨協医科大学 放射線医学講座 楫靖 (平成元年島根医科大学医学部卒)

・第65回日本医学放射線学会総会演題182:手術例は 27/68
・腹側にある病変に注意。 AFS (anterior fibromuscular stroma)やTZとPZの間の被膜(”外科的被膜”?)の断裂や低信号化に注意。
・1.5T と 3T とでは前者の方が正確であったとするAJRの報告 があるが
よく見ると前者は Phased array coil+endorecatal, 後者は Phased array のみ。3Tでは
・ダイナミックMRではTZの方が早く染まる、前立腺癌は早く染まり wash out する
・MRS において、前立腺癌はCho↑、Citrate↓で右肩下がり。TE は 1.5T では 120-145ms
がいいが、 3T ではどれがいいのか議論中。Citrate のそれは TE 依存性がある。そこで
・T3a の診断基準=被膜の断裂、膨隆、神経血管束周囲脂肪の消失。2006 JRS でのメタアナリシス(演題番号187)では感度68%, 特異度 73%。3T Endorectal coil で熟練した者が読影すると感度88%、特異度96%、正確度94%。文献

演者:聖マリアンナ医科大学放射線医学教室 小林泰之(平成元年旭川医科大卒)

・大動脈瘤の径は cross sectional (真の短軸)で測定しよう。
・Stanford A:B = 50:20
・解離の flap は結構激しく動くので同定には心電同期必要。Entry 近傍の染まりは早く
・AAA の 50%、TAA の 20% に冠動脈病変がある、しかしそのような場合に心カテはなるべくやりたくない→CTA による描出
・造影剤減らすと二相が撮れないし、炎症性・感染性・RPF の時困るし、、、

演者:岩手医科大学循環器医療センター 吉岡邦浩(昭和60岩手医科大学医学部卒業)

・冠動脈CTAにおける三つの問題- (1)石灰化(2)時間分解能(3)画像処理の時間
・(1)非造影の段階で石灰化スコアを用いて feasible でない症例をより分ける。
・(2)0.4/rotation なら心拍数70以下にしたい。ただし、ベータブロッカーを使うと
・撮像法 Prep 250 HU で設定、注入レートは 60kg未満で 3.5 ml/s, 60kg以上で 4.0ml/s
注入時間は 5+撮像時間+アルファ、フラッシュの生食は同量。
・読み方としてはまず "Cath view" で大まかに見て(PPV は低いが NPV は高い)、異常があればcurved MPR、ここで異常があればさらに短軸像で狭窄率を AHAのそれに沿って記載。

大坂美和子 冠動脈疾患誌 2005文献
Lau GT, radiology 2005:235文献

・C stopper coil が数少なくても塞栓できる
・IPA を極細スポンゼル(シュコシュコ法でしかも半開にして細かくする)+MMC+Lp+コイル
・Aorta Fix カテはシェファードフックのような形でそこからさらにロングテーパーの
PVTT のHCC。QOL はよい、5-FU のみだとコストも安い。FOLFOX は一ヶ月で40万。

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sorafenib (Nexaver)

2nd opinion
腎細胞癌 ASCO 2005
Sorafenib のJCOアブストラクト
まず、今回Phase Ⅲの中間成績が発表され、現在最も開発が進んでいるのがBAY 43-9006、
一般名sorafenib と言われている薬剤です。この薬剤は癌の増殖にかかわる二つの重要な要因、すなわち腫瘍細胞増殖と腫瘍血管新生に関与するキナーゼ群であるRAF、VEGFR-2、
VEGFR-3、PDGFR-β、KIT、そしてRET を標的とした経口投与薬です。
効果の評価対象となったsorafenib 群335例、プラセボ群337例でみますと、sorafenib 群でPR
試験で、プラセボ群のMedian PFS が12週であったのに対し、Sorafenib 群のそれは24週と、極
めて強い有意差をもってその延長効果が証明されたことです。薬剤関連有害事象としては、発疹、下痢、手足皮膚症候群、脱毛、疲労、掻痒、嘔気、高血圧などが比較的高頻度にみられましたが、グレード3と4の頻度は低く、忍容性は高いと思われました。本邦において、この薬は現在Phase Ⅱの段階にあり、その結果が大いに期待されます。

Nexavar (ネクサバール)
成分名 Sorafenib  (ソラフェニブ)
適応 進行性腎細胞癌
剤型 規格・容量 包装単位 薬監証明 冷蔵輸送 製造元 出荷国 価格 納期 ご注文はこちらから
タブレット 200mg 112 必要なし 必要なし Bayer スイス 655,000円 14日-20日
Nexavar 添付文書

Phase II Placebo-Controlled Randomized Discontinuation Trial of Sorafenib in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

Mark J. Ratain, Tim Eisen, Walter M. Stadler, Keith T. Flaherty, Stan B. Kaye, Gary L. Rosner, Martin Gore, Apurva A. Desai, Amita Patnaik, Henry Q. Xiong, Eric Rowinsky, James L. Abbruzzese, Chenghua Xia, Ronit Simantov, Brian Schwartz, Peter J. O'Dwyer

From the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Royal Marsden Hospital, Surrey, United Kingdom; Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; Cancer Therapy and Research Center, San Antonio, TX; Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation, West Haven, CT

Address reprint requests to Mark J. Ratain, MD, University of Chicago, 5841 S Maryland Ave, MC2115, Chicago, IL 60637; e-mail: mratain@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu

PURPOSE: This phase II randomized discontinuation trial evaluated the effects of sorafenib (BAY 43-9006), an oral multikinase inhibitor targeting the tumor and vasculature, on tumor growth in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients initially received oral sorafenib 400 mg twice daily during the initial run-in period. After 12 weeks, patients with changes in bidimensional tumor measurements that were less than 25% from baseline were randomly assigned to sorafenib or placebo for an additional 12 weeks; patients with 25% tumor shrinkage continued open-label sorafenib; patients with 25% tumor growth discontinued treatment. The primary end point was the percentage of randomly assigned patients remaining progression free at 24 weeks after the initiation of sorafenib.

RESULTS: Of 202 patients treated during the run-in period, 73 patients had tumor shrinkage of 25%. Sixty-five patients with stable disease at 12 weeks were randomly assigned to sorafenib (n = 32) or placebo (n = 33). At 24 weeks, 50% of the sorafenib-treated patients were progression free versus 18% of the placebo-treated patients (P = .0077). Median progression-free survival (PFS) from randomization was significantly longer with sorafenib (24 weeks) than placebo (6 weeks; P = .0087). Median overall PFS was 29 weeks for the entire renal cell carcinoma population (n = 202). Sorafenib was readministered in 28 patients whose disease progressed on placebo; these patients continued on sorafenib until further progression, for a median of 24 weeks. Common adverse events were skin rash/desquamation, hand-foot skin reaction, and fatigue; 9% of patients discontinued therapy, and no patients died from toxicity.

CONCLUSION: Sorafenib has significant disease-stabilizing activity in metastatic renal cell carcinoma and is tolerable with chronic daily therapy.

Supported by Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Onyx Pharmaceuticals.

Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and author contributions are found at the end of this article.

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